Wednesday, August 3, 2011

November Slam is Coming!

The Central Florida Puppet Guild is presenting a Puppet Slam on Saturday, November 12th, 2011, as part of the Orlando Puppet Festival weekend. If you have an idea for a short performance piece (under 10min), then we’d love it if you’d submit your script, storyboard, or a summary of your concept to us by September 1st, 2011.

Traveling puppeteers: We are pleased to offer a handful of travel stipends to assist you in performing at our Slam. Please tell us in your submission if you would like to be considered for a travel stipend.
Local applicants: The Central Florida Puppet Guild is especially interested in presenting acts from local individuals who don’t consider themselves traditional puppeteers! We challenge artists and performers from all mediums to experiment in new territory. Burlesque performers: Can you make us laugh and cheer with extra-creative costuming that turns you into a giant puppet? Dancers: Have you ever explored storytelling through masked dance? Actors: Can you sustain believability when your scene partner is a muppet? Painters/Illustrators: Can you bring your images to life through shadow or rod puppetry?
We are also happy to help connect local performers with dramaturges and artists. Want to perform, but don’t have a piece of your own? Have a piece, but no one to help build it or perform it? If you feel you’re one half of a great show waiting to be made, message us and let us help you connect with someone who needs your talents.

Here are a few (randomly chosen, unaffiliated) examples of the many different styles of puppetry and object-oriented performance the Central Florida Puppet Guild is open to considering for our Slam:
  1. Comedic object theatre
  2. Glove Puppetry
  3. Hand Pantomime
  4. Cabaret-style marionettes
  5. Masked Dance
  6. Puppetized Costume Burlesque
  7. Rod Puppetry
  8. Shadow Puppetry

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